Emotional and body work

The sources of depreciated habits and patterns are found and transformed, the natural flow of emotions is liberated und the own ressources are activated and strengthened.


You mention your topic and I accompany you in your process. We follow your feelings, visions and inner images. The entryway is for example a real situation you experienced, a physical discomfort you feel or a dream. This leads to physical experiences and an exploration of your inner world. The physical expression, recognition and nurturing of the original needs, transforms the programs that previously used to function automatically in daily life.

“Wisdom is not intellectual understanding. It is indeed an emotional understanding gained from experience.” Ramtha


Clear, conscious Communication

In the frame of Emotional and Body Work I lay much emphasis on clear communication and the acceptance of self-responsibility. It will quickly become clear whether one’s own life is built on preconceptions, whether personal needs are expressed, whether clear arrangements are made, whether one stays with oneself, and also whether the own expression is formulated in ways that make it easy for the other to listen.


My emotional and bodywork therapy is based on
regression work, integration of primordial experiences, conscious communication, schooling of attention, attendance to self-responsibility, work with inner imagery, dream work, biography work, emphatic role dialogue, breathing exercises