About me 


Born 1972 in Berlin/Germany, I finished my psychology studies at the University of Berlin (FU Berlin), followed a 5 year training in body psychotherapy (Biosynthesis) in Switzerland, did 3 years of courses in intuitive energy- and bodywork in Berlin/Germany, hold the first degree of Reiki, concluded 3 years of courses in shamanic work in the tradition of the Twisted Hairs, have further different body psychotherapy oriented education in working with babies/little children and their parents, courses in traditional thai-yoga-massage and theta healing. In August 2011 I finished the Anusara Yoga® Teachers Training at Cityyoga Berlin with Lalleshvari and Vilas Turske.



My own work evolved from all the courses and trainings I took part in, and has merged with the experiences I made with healing work, along with other things I picked up throughout life in my everyday life, work and encounters.

My request always is that the person I work with is accompanied by me in a way, that she unfolds her inner self carefully, heart- and respectfully. I want the person to be able to integrate the newly made experiences in everyday life, to strengthen the inner healing forces and to become ever more self-responsible.


I am convinced that every person has his or her particular (etherical) sound. This sound expresses one’s very individual soul essence, one’s particular talents, characteristics, qualities, abilities. When one diverts from the expression (through or with the use of the physical body) of this essence in thinking, feeling or action, this particular sound is changed, disturbed, distorted. If it stays over a long period of time, this disturbance manifests in a form of sickness – psycholigically or physically.


My work offers you an opportunity to explore what makes your body “resonate” – what appeals to you, what makes you move, what makes you burst in joy – on all levels. In my view, this is how we recognise our soul’s intention. Our soul expressing itself in life, and collecting experiences through the body. By living all these, we allow our soul to grow roots, so you are well anchored in the here and now, that you may live your life in beauty and joy.